Fichier 10



Merci pour cet album techno-féodal superbe. On ne sait plus si on est dans le futur ou le moyen-âge, en Ovalie ou dans le désert. On se laisse délicieusement perdre par ces envoûtantes mélodies de Touareg sans GPS.

Nicolas Santolaria

Nicolas Santolaria

Journaliste - Auteur

Wonderful! The half hour was not only enjoyable…it was memorable! A first-rate artistic experience and a very fruitful creative collaboration… The four of you plow through remote imaginary territories and bring back to life imaginative areas that our sad daily lives leave in the backrooms of our overgrown subconscious! The day after my discovery, I feel some emotional and aesthetic aches! 


Doc Sticko


Wonderfully idiosyncratic. Would make great support to a Tom Waits concert, so you have to love it. Creative, inventive, intriguing. Has a playful, magical quality that’s delightful.




J’ai ouï votre ouvrage. Ah que oui !
J’y ai vu d’ondulants dromadaires, des bouddhas indolents, des hérissons pèlerins en multitude, des fleurs polymorphes aux tranquilles mutations, des poissons poètes, des lacs canadiens aux eaux calmes, des déserts accueillants aux paisibles oasis, peu d’humains et « Dieu Merci. » En deux mots : Paix Répandue. Ces brèves créations associées à des images feraient j’en suis sûr le bonheur éphémère de connaisseurs épris de sérénité.

Bertrand Jarrigeon

Bertrand Jarrigeon

Auteur, acteur

I checked out « Barter ». Amazin’. I am really glad we found each other. Somebody that can make me dance! Kepp up the good work, Man. You’re the best. Just checked out « Fearher ». Good stuff. Very different from most what’s here. I was afraid to do it ’cause it’s under New Age, but was mighty surprised by how much I liked it. I’ll be sure to tell people.

The Crack Emcee

Crackhouse Music


Articles about us​

Charb’s illustration for Inrocks paper about Kitusai


Rolling Stone
RATING: 9/10
Kitusai is not, as the Artist Description suggests, a “primitive band,” and my guess is that they’ve never even seen a sheepfold. But Kitusai’s world-music sensibilities combine with an Eno-ish ambience to produce electronic music that wouldn’t sound out of place in the old world. The lyrics, sung in French, gain something from the overly literal translation: “Toujours a cote de moi,” usually translated as “always next to me,” becomes “always at coast of me.” Also highly recommended: “Money King,” influenced by the traditional Gamelan music of Bali.
Reviewer: Andrew Fraker

Award-winning, International MP3 Duo Make Beautiful Music Via the Internet
HOUSTON, May 3 — Frank and Barbra did it over the phone. Elton and Bernie used the classifieds to find the perfect match. Nat and Natalie bridged the Great Hereafter to become a duet. Historically, some unusual couplings have spawned memorable musical unions. Now, the paradigm shift of instant gratification MP3’s (the software which compresses songs from compact discs into files that can be downloaded easily from the Web) has brought two musicians with a shared passion for electronic music together and the result is the Internet’s first virtual, award-winning collaboration.
Mutual admiration followed the brief e-mail courtship which united Tom Aragon and Thierry Venin (a.k.a. Kitusai). Aragon, an Oroville, California native who cites Jimi Hendrix and Frank Zappa among his influences met Kitusai, who records « world music » in an ancient sheep-pen in the French Pyrenees, through the cyberspace matchmaking of the website.
An amalgam of layered atmospheric sounds, melodies and timpani’s with a sweeping cinematic feel, Aragon and Kitusai’s « Warpath » was the first entry which garnered top honors.
The body of work created by the Aragon/Kitusai pairing has also caught the ear of visionary video production firm, Headcandy which will be using half of Aragon’s album « Centered » in their next release.

Chaque week-end, la bergerie se transforme en studio de répétion et d’enregistrement pour le groupe de world music Kitusai…